Thursday, October 28, 2004


Imaya Dhammanu Dhammapatipattiya Buddham Pujemi
Imaya Dhammanu Dhammapatipattiya Dhammam Pujemi
Imaya Dhammanu Dhammapatipattiya Sangham Pujemi
Imaya Dhammanu Dhammapatipattiya Mata pitunam Pujemi
Imaya Dhammanu Dhammapatipattiya Acariyaca Pujemi


With the practice that is in accordance to the Dhamma, I revere the Buddha
With the practice that is in accordance to the Dhamma, I revere the Dhamma
With the practice that is in accordance to the Dhamma, I revere the Sangha
With the practice that is in accordance to the Dhamma, I revere my parents
With the practice that is in accordance to the Dhamma, I revere my teachers


These verses reveberated in my mind the last few days, and it brought with it the memory of my retreat last year with Kaizhao shifu. During the retreat, at the end of each day, shifu led us to chant the verses, but I had no idea what it meant. Only on the last day, the 10th, the booklet was available and I got to see what it meant. When I found out, I was moved to tears. It's because what was said/ chanted was in accordance to what has been practiced for the last 10 days. It was the most sincere offering -- the offering of one's practice as a form of reverence to those who are worthy of reverence. Even now, chanting it at the end of each day feels very meaningful. It's not just an empty chant, simply chanted for the sake of chanting, but a sincere offering that comes from one's practice throughout the day.

~ Santi ~

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