Monday, June 11, 2007

DLMC - Fri 27 Apr 2007

Meditation: never allow the mind to wander off. As soon as you notice some vibration in the mind, re-establish mindfulness and bring attention closely to the object at hand. Otherwise the mind will weaken and fall into bhavanga easily.

Decide once again to stay on, especially at the time when Ven. Hui Guang is not around. This is the time to strengthen my practice in the face of unfavourable conditions.

Look at everyone from their good points - there're bound to be some if we look closely enough - and appreciate them for that. I was taken into EH's negative comment on CS and thus viewed him negatively. Looking back, that's a silly thing to do. Whether other people do work or not, that's their business. My business is to do whatever I can, in the time I have, and stop at that. Or rejoice at that. And to take care of my own mind not to fall for the deceit of the defilements.

Thinking negatively about other people, even if their behavior is really depictable, only weighs the mind down. And this perception will shapre the way I interpret the person's behavior, which is bound to be negative as well. So even if this person has some good points, I won't see it cause my view is blocked by the pre-conceive negative perception. So learn to look with two eyes.

Intend to keep 9 precepts, the last one being to radiate metta regularly.

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