Monday, June 11, 2007

DLMC - Sat 5 May 2007

I stop fighting - finding fault with people in my mind. In its place, there's a flowing metta energy. It feels like coming back to health.

Yesterday Ajaan Labho talked about being happy with each movement, each step, each minute, each second, each breath. In short, establish sati and sampajanna with each moment.

The Hong Kong Yogi Liang Xin taught me to be aware of my mouth and chewing movement with every mouthful of food. That helped me to be more mindful when I eat.

Still have yet to overcome greed for food. I develop bad habit rather quickly - stuffing food into my mouth when I'm packing and tidying up the place. Antidote for animosity and aversin is metta. Antidote for greed: contentment?

Yesterday meditation was pretty bad cos I seriously lacked sleep. Sleep only 4 hours the night before. The mind was not able to give rise to enough energy to sustain mindfulness.

Was and still am, very encouraged to see the monks' friendliness, care and kindness towards each other. On my part, I shall treat the other yogis likewise.

Come to think of it, I"m actually working - work to accumulate kamma points.

Garavo ca nivato ca santutthi ca katannuta: very important qualities of mind to be developed - respect, humility, contentment, gratitude.

I want to ordain the heart and train myself the way a recluse/ ordained person is trained.

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